Jennifer Young Fine Art

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Bellevue Bungalows

The autumn leaves are about finished now, but I thought I'd share this little plein air painting I did in my Richmond neighborhood of Bellevue just a couple of weeks ago. One thing I love about Bellevue is the architecture. And while the bungalows are usually modest looking structures, they hold so much charm for me.

plein air painting autumn by Jennifer Young

"Bellevue Bungalows" Oil on Canvas 6x8" sold

Their low profiles are dwarfed by the Virginia trees, and there is something immediately happy, unassuming, sunny, laid back, and fabulously unpretentious about them. In the end, when we were looking in the area for a home,  we ended up buying not a bungalow, but a "cottage" (perhaps the bungalow's big-boned cousin?) Artist=spacehog.

But I still enjoy these little structures on my evening walks. I enjoy looking at them and their gardens- plain to fancy; sometimes wild, sometimes very manicured. These little houses give me the same feeling as do the cottages of Cape Cod, the shotguns in New Orleans, or especially the Conch Houses of Key West... Breezy, laid back, traditional and yet wonderfully free of tradition. Plain, simple, and calling out, "Home."