Venetian Byway

As I've noted previously, I've been enjoying digging into subjects for my paintings by working small to large. Several of the recent studio paintings I've done have had their inception in smaller plein air pieces I have painted on site. Through this exercise I have come to appreciate the method of problem solving in the smaller piece. My latest "small" is this Venice piece I completed yesterday. At this point I'm not sure if I will rework this into a larger size. I will sit with it for a while and see what I can see from it with fresh eyes, as I work on other projects. 

"Venetian Byway", Oil on linen, 14x11" ©Jennifer E Young

"Venetian Byway", Oil on linen, 14x11" ©Jennifer E Young

Touring Venice

There are some times when my habit of waking at 5:30 a.m. (on the dot, and usually no matter what!) comes in pretty handy. With family visiting these last 10 days, early mornings have allowed me a few hours each day to complete this new Venice piece:

"Touring Venice" Oil on linen, 24x20" (SOLD) ©Jennifer Young

"Touring Venice" Oil on linen, 24x20" (SOLD) ©Jennifer Young

This painting ( the bones of which you can see here) is the same size and format as the other recent Venice painting I posted a couple of weeks ago. They are meant to serve as companions to each other, though I think either would work just as well on its own.

In all the times I have been to Venice, I have still never taken a gondola ride. I wonder if it's possible to paint en plein air while aboard a gondola? A girl can dream...

Venice Gondolas W.I.P

Just a quick post to share what's on the easel right now. I have really been wanting to get back into my Venice work lately, but given how complicated these paintings can be, and how complicated my life has been, I have kind of shied away from the idea. I feel pretty rusty, so since Venice is pretty much all architecture, I thought I'd make it easy on myself and keep the size fairly small (16 x 20") and the composition fairly simple. Here's the compositional sketch:

20120511-140246.jpg I'm also testing out blogging via my iPhone Wordpress app, so if this post looks strange or different, that's why.